Ideas for student projects
My research focuses on robotics, Human-Robot Interaction, Human-Computer Interaction, serious games and the applications or uses of Machine Learning in those areas. I have a especial interest in accessibility and multimodal ways of interaction with technology.
There are several lines along which you could do a project with me. Please, get in touch if you are interested in any of them or if you have an idea that fits well within my research area, to discuss and shape a project. You could give your project a different focus depending on your interests.
I’m currently working on the following research projects and, if you’re interested in the topics they cover, we could find a student project for you that could fit well within their remit:
TASA: Towards Accessible Smart Assistants
Project aiming to explore how Smart Assistants (SAs) can be made more accessible so that they can be useful for people with hearing loss using what is natural language to them; to identify the most important commands for them when using SAs; and to create an initial dataset in British Sign Language (BSL) as basis to improve their accessibility.
TARICS: Trustworthy Accessible Robots for Inclusive Cultural experiences
Project aiming to create an interactive cultural experience for museum visits by provisioning a social robot to make the experience more accessible and inclusive for autistic people and/or with learning disabilities. The proposed learning and interaction techniques will be deployed on Lindsey, a robot tour guide operating autonomously in The Collection Museum since 2018.
Other research lines/ideas for projects
- Projects looking at improving the accessibility of different technologies to help vulnerable segments of the population (e.g., children or young adults with disabilities, the elderly).
- Design and development of serious games, especially those aiming to help vulnerable segments of the population (e.g., children or young adults with disabilities, the elderly).
- Development of activities for social or educational robots (some of the robots that we may have available are NAO and Pepper but there are others too).
- Projects exploring the use of social or educational robots in various areas, but especially those aiming to help vulnerable segments of the population (e.g., children or young adults with disabilities, the elderly).
- Evaluating existing control interfaces for different types of robots in different application areas (we can discuss the robots we have available and an application area you are interested in).
- Projects exploring multi-modal interactions with robots and/or other technologies.
If you want to have a chat about potential projects you can contact me at